Fun Facts About the Lake of the Ozarks

While we typically cover welding topics here on the blog, we wanted to take some time to showcase a bit about the place our business is based out of. We love owning a business at the Lake of the Ozarks, and we are proud to provide you with incredible welding services at the Lake of the Ozarks . From basic repairs to custom metal fabrication in Sunrise Beach, MO , if it's made out of metal - we can take it on! Enough about us … here are some fun things that we find interesting about this area! The Lake of the Ozarks is home to many full0time and vacationers alike, and from busy summer seasons to slower winter seasons, there’s awakes something fun to know about this place that we call home. Fun Facts About the Lake of the Ozarks Lake of the Ozarks covers 61,000 acres and contains 617 billion gallons of fresh water, what the city of St. Louis typically uses over a decade. Roughly 3.5 million tourists visit Lake of the Ozarks from Memorial Day to Labor Day. At 17,741 acres...